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RIVA Solutions, Inc. (RIVA) is serving the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) Resource Center (HITRC) to meet the web, cloud, and information needs of the agency and its customers—patients and clinicians, health system leaders, and policymakers—so that they can make more informed healthcare decisions.

As a subcontractor to Function1, RIVA is helping HITRC convene, connect, and consolidate channel communication with nationwide customers through The HITRC Collaborative Portal. In addition, our team is transitioning the AHRQ National Resource Center (NRC) public-facing website to a Drupal Content Management System (CMS); supporting a portfolio of related sites and tools for effective communication, collaboration, information sharing, and knowledge management; providing technical assistance and maintaining content; and managing the cloud migration to a virtualized environment.

RIVA President, Naveen Krishnamurthy, admires the AHRQ philosophy, “build once and use many.” “We are helping AHRQ leverage their investment in technology to improve the web presence, enhance stakeholder communication, and prove ROI.”